
So tonight I was invited to go to dinner with my friend, and we spent a lot of time eating and shopping and back in my apartment talking and watching kpop videos. It was so nice to have something to do after work, and also not to have to cook for once.

Today was FREEZING. My hands were blood red when I got home, and my ear ached from biking in the cold. So today I bought a giant muffler (scarf) and gloves and ear muffs. And I broke out one of my coats. I will be so ready for tomorrow.

If the wind and rain is still like it is now, I am going to take the train tomorrow. Biking to school in this every day is so exhausting already. Add the cold and the wind and rain to it and it just becomes unbearable.

About half an hour ago I seriously didn't think I would make my word count for today, but I am only 200 words behind now. And I don't care. I'm going to sleep.

29,826 is good enough for today.


UPDATE: Never mind. I did it. 30k!



