
Today I woke up early on this fine-weathered Saturday morning and judged a debate contest!These students speak English so well, but even the ones who were lacking in English could debate with the best of them! I was so inspired and it was invigorating to watch such a nice competition and be a part of it.That said. It is now 11pm and I am dead tired. I know I didn't write much yesterday, and today I only wrote 630 words on my novel. But it's still 630 closer to the end! And the end is in sight! Next Saturday is the finish line!I am going to try to catch up and I might try to turn tomorrow into a 7, 8, or even 10k day (ahahaha yeah right) and finish my novel. I really do want to finish it sooner than the 30th, and I have kind of given up getting to 50k for this month. I know I am just exhausted and I shouldn't give up already, but realistically if this story continues for another 13,000 words, most of that will be pointless babble unless I go back and add things to previous scenes, which I don't have the energy to do.But I will keep going and work hard tomorrow to finish my first draft. I think as long as I get to 100k and I write a semblance of the climax, I can add a decent ending (falling action) and my epilogue. Thinking about it that way, if I do 5k tomorrow, I will definitely be done.And I SO want to be done.I have been working on this first draft for three years.If I am able to write "The End" on it tomorrow, I might cry of joy. And in a few weeks I will subject my poor, innocent friends to read it. So get ready.I am being bad and I broke out playing my Ace Attorney 4 game. What? Don't look at me like that. If I'm going to procrastinate, I might as well do something I enjoy rather than looking at Facebook for hours.And we all know reading is out of the question because at this point if I read so much as a good article I might cry myself to sleep and never finish this darn thing.So finish it tomorrow, Eleanor and Park (or Insurgent, I can't decide) tomorrow night. Sounds good to me.



