Grad School (Rainy) Blues

So we are in the home stretch. Two more weeks for me until I have summer break. Which just means that my schools are off for summer break, but I have to help out with eikaiwa and things at the Board of Education because we are getting a new JET in my city. I am so excited for her to get here. I love living alone, but it will be nice to have someone to eat dinner with every now and then.

These past two weeks have been extremely hectic. I have been busy with kyudo because we are official dojo members now. My name is even on a wooden plank on the wall with all the other members. We have a city wide competition on Sunday, so we have been going in three times a week instead of two. I also had elementary school, which is always more energy-draining than middle school since I have to be the one standing and talking the entire time, and I usually have 5-6 lessons a day.

I am also trying to keep up with my grad school class. I will admit I haven't been reading the chapters I need to lately, but mostly we are just doing discussions on the forums until our next paper is due. I turned in my first paper early and still don't have any grades since then. I think my professor is busy trying to answer everyone and grade everything, but I really thought I would have it back by now and we have another one due soon.

Japan is still in rainy season, and now we have a typhoon coming this week, so it won't stop raining for the next week at least. It really puts a damper on the kids' attitudes. They were little zombies today now that it's humid AND hot. Ugh. Summer break can't come fast enough.

I also have some big news! I didn't know whether or not to post about my personal life on here, but lately after reading tons of other blogs, I realized that I can probably reach more people by talking about this, so here goes:

I recently started dating a Korean guy. He lives in Korea, so we are long distance. He came to visit me in Japan and I am going to South Korea for summer vacation!! I hope to put up pictures of kyudo and Korea and such. I might do a post on how we met and stuff like that, but I might wait until after I go visit him since I would have more to discuss. But I have been looking up tons of blogs like MyKoreanHusband and so on, and although he's not my first Korean boyfriend, the outlook with him is far more promising than those I dated in college. We have a language barrier and many many cultural differences, plus the long distance thing, so I have a lot to talk about and I know lots of other people out there are in the same boat as me.

A while back, I was starting to get bummed out about not being able to read for pleasure, but honestly I decided to give myself a break. I want to get better at kyudo, I have to keep up with work, and I am pushing myself really hard to become fluent in Korean. I took a class in college and was at the top of my class, but I stopped studying the language when I came to Japan to study abroad. However, now I have a good reason to study it.

I have been watching a lot of Korean TV recently. I watched The Heirs with Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye, and last night I just finished My Love from Another Star, which was fantastic as well. I feel like the ending to The Heirs was on the cheesier side, while My Love from Another Star had a more realistic wrap-up. I am also watching Roommate, which is incredibly entertaining. I never liked EXO before watching the show because I was already a fan of so many kpop groups, but I really like watching Chanyeol on the show. He adds an element of youth that the show really needs.

Hopefully the typhoon doesn't make me become a shut in, but hey, I have Korean to study and dramas to watch.

I hope everyone has fun gearing up for summer! I am exercising almost every day now in order to be in shape for hiking and swimming that will most likely occur in Korea.


The Japanese Education System (as observed by an American)


The glove chooses the archer.